A voice in the dark I happened upon your web site by accident and thought I would drop you a quick message with some questions! I recently moved into a large house that was built in the 1920's. The strange thing is, there have been some unexplained things happening, specifically, we've heard a child crying very late at night. It appears to be coming from the ceiling (it is a 2 story house with an attic). I myself heard a voice one night when I was home alone working on my computer. It was pretty scary. I heard the voice in the room I was in and it said "Mommy" in a very sad little girl voice. I looked up and the impression I had was that the voice came from the ceiling. Just last week, in my bedroom as I was trying to fall asleep,
there was a loud sound like SCRATCHING running down my wall. No, there was no
storm or anything that night. I thought maybe there was a tree branch outside
touching the house in the wind or something. The next day, I went out and looked
. There's NO WAY a tree could of even touched the house! So, do you think I am
freaking out over nothing? I am kind of religious, and was raised in a Christian home. My parents would never let us talk about ghost stuff. So, it's not that I am a weird-o or something (which you feel like when this stuff happens!) but I'm kind of chicken to mention it to anyone else outside of our household! They'll think we're crazy!!! Any ideas what these noises mean? I looked up our house at the local historical society but the records are very scarce and didn't tell me very much. We live in a small town South of Indianapolis.....we do live in a historical neighborhood. Some of the houses are over 100 years old. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time!!!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE your input!!! Is there any danger in living here? We are thinking about purchasing the home....Oh, I was going to turn on my camcorder and leave it running while I was sleeping. Will it pick up those kind of sounds? Signed, Sylvia Chaos Response: It sounds like you have something sharing the house with you. You would be surprised. A lot of people just won't admit to having ghosts in their house for the same reasons you don't want to tell anyone about what you have heard. Ghosts usually aren't harmful but as they get used to you you'll see their presence more often. Some people enjoy having them around. I wouldn't worry too much unless things get bad there. I would love to investigate you house some time and see if we can find anything helpful out. We have some psychics in our group and use some "ghost-busting" equipment as well. You can find info on past owners by calling the County Tax department and requesting information on the past owners of this house. That will get you started anyway. It can really ease your mind a lot to know who it is that's hanging around your house. A couple of our psychics can help the ghosts move on too. If you do have a ghost it's probably trapped or confused and would like to move on but isn't sure how.