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By Danielle Garrison


How many times have you been sitting around the house by yourself and you’ve heard or seen something you shouldn’t have.  Living life day to day, you generally don’t pay attention to everything.  Think about it, how many times have you needed something from the store, get to the store, and come home without the one thing you went after in the first place.  There is a new phenomena happening in ghost hunting.


I call it the “Been there done that haunting” phenomena.


The latest generation of ghost hunters are so willing and wanting for the adrenaline rush of the unexplored hunt that they forget about the “life factor.”  People living everyday with violent hauntings will still have quiet days, weeks, months, or even years.  We would all love to have that active haunting in our backyard at our disposal everyday for analysis.  The life factor makes it almost impossible for the weekend warrior ghost hunter to experience the bulk of the activity.


From what I’ve experienced, ghosts are not on a Saturday through Sunday time schedule.  In order for the ghost hunter to get a good understanding of the haunted location, one must spend TIME exploring the location.  Researching the location, knowing the history of why it is haunted.  Knowing the lay of the land, every inch of the location.


How can a ghost hunter know something is out of the ordinary or not normal for a location if you have never been to the site?  If you are unable to visit a site prior to an investigation, this is where the interview process will help.  Remember to ask those very important questions of, “Have you noticed a pattern to the activity?”


Today’s ghost hunters find it less exciting to return to a local hunt time and time again.  Imagine the excitement of not seeing anything for a few months and then all of a sudden the activity shoots through the roof!  If you have a pretty good idea of what is normal for a location it will be that much easier for you to determine something that is abnormal.


So I say, return to those local cemeteries that you didn’t get any orb activity or keep requesting that your Chapter return to the same location several times a year.  Don’t get burned out on hunting the same ole haunts.


Persistence will pay off!


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