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Evansville Haunted Apartment

I lived in an apartment in Evansville for one year and it was a horrible one year. When we moved in the apartment seemed normal but after four months of living there I was proved very wrong.

My husband worked 3rd shift at the Casino Aztar, therefore my daughter and I spent nights alone. One night I was having this very strange dream. It felt so real and in my dream I could sense danger but I didn't know why. Because of that sense I would try to wake up, and several times I thought I was awake until something weird would happen to prove that I was still dreaming.

While still dreaming I began to hear a loud buzzing. Eager to find out where it was coming from I began to search for it with my hands, while still sleeping and dreaming. Apparently I was actually searching for this buzzing out of my dream as well because I ended up actually touching it. When I touched it I immediately woke up because it felt as if my entire body was buzzing. When I opened my eyes I was terrified to see a flowy figure hovering above me. It was dark in the room and I was so scared that I pulled the blanket over my head before I could really get a good look at it. I will never forget the little I did see though. It was faceless and looked at if it's head were covered with a hood of some sort. It was shaped loosely like a person and completely black.

After a few seconds I managed to reach my hand out from the blanket and grabbed my phone off of the bedside table. I called my mother in Texas and she coaxed me into walking to my daughter's room. When I opened the door to her room I was shocked to find that she was laying on the floor nearly seven feet from her bed. I quickly picked her up and left the apartment while vowing never to return. Once we were safely in the car I asked my 3 year old daughter why she was on the floor. She answered by saying "I don't know why, the man just put me there". She didn't know who the man was, and could not describe him. I asked her if she felt scared when the unknown man picked her up and she said no.

Regardless of my vow to never return, my husband convinced me to go back and we continued living in the apartment for the duration of the lease. The sightings continued but were far less frightening as I began to realize that the presence was not there to harm us, and I had learned my lesson after apparently touching the figure, which, I think, is why my body had the buzzing sensation. Other strange things happened as well, but nothing more alarming as the flowy figure that I accidentally touched that night.

Whitney Brient

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