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Vermilion County Museum - Dr. Fithian's Home, Danville, IL

My husband and I took a Sunday tour of the Vermilion County Museum. He grew up in the Danville area, and wanted to show me some of the local tourist attractions. The home of Dr. Fithian and his wife was part of the museum tour. The dwelling was a beautiful two story Victorian home. Back in the days, it seemed charming and warm for that era. This home was also where Abraham Lincoln stayed with his friend, the Doctor, on his frequent visits to the Danville area.

On one of his stays, Mr. Lincoln was requested to step out onto the balcony of his bedroom and present a speech to the gathering crowd below. It was told that he did such in his stocking feet.

As we entered into the lovely estate, I notice the foyer was lit by wall sconces and a chandelier. Our tour guide and we were the only three people in the home at the time. As we entered into the upstairs bedrooms, the children's' room seemed a bit troubling to my psyche. It was like an electrical charge ran through me as we moved among the toys, like the wooden horse and china dolls, of the Fithian children. I couldn't really say what it was, but it felt like we were not alone. My husband also sensed this.

The tour ended at the staircase, where I asked our guide if there had been any ghostly activity here among the relics. As we descended the stairs, the wall sconces and chandelier flickered. I know whom it might have been, the Doctor or his wife, or even the children, who, perhaps, wanted to let us know that we really were not alone after all.

Joni Bullias

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