Overnight at the historic Randolph County Infirmary!!
Hosted by our fabulous Fort Wayne Chapter!!
We will have the location starting in the early evening into the morning. They have been very flexible about start and end times. If we need to crash for a few hours before driving home. They said we can do that also. The event will start with a one hour tour with history if we want,then keys are turned over to us. We will have two sets of bathrooms, heat downstairs in the command room and electricity in most of the building. It’s a 55,000 Sq ft building!
Please RSVP with Michelle Rariden at rarcr357@yahoo.com .
Happy Ghosting!!
Greetings My IGT Family!!
I have scheduled Sedamsville Rectory again for the weekend of June 17th-19th.
Here is the website if you want to check it out
This will be limited to 10 attendees with a cost of $30/member for the weekend. Sedamsville gave us pay for one night and get the second free. IGT paid the $300 for the weekend.As before, we will be able to sleep there as well.
Please RSVP to me at shenka30@yahoo.com
Make your checks/money orders out to IGT, and mail them to:
Mark Beahrs
10210 Golden Drive
Noblesville,IN 46060
Feel free to contact me with any questions!
Happy Ghosting!!